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During difficult times-Leav & Steinberg, LLP is there for all clients-resolving over 20 matters last month with value of almost $3,000,000.00 million dollars

While COVID-19 restrictions has crippled the City and many firms, Leav & Steinberg, LLP has the infrastructure, technology and reputation to resolve matters for full value and get our client’s complete justice; resolving over 20 cases for nearly $3,000,000.00 in the last month.

Leav & Steinberg urges everyone to step up and protect Civil Rights-Help fight against HR 1215

Though our country has gone through a turbulent time with the recent election, we understand that many have become frustrated and upset with even discussing the topic of government and politics.  However, it has come to our attention that certain elected government officials have put forth a bill which would severely curtail the rights of … Read more

Roadway and Sidewalk Defects- The challenges in proving “prior written notice”

Roadway and sidewalk defects- proving prior written notice and being able to recover for damages is a challenge and attorney must understand how to prove what is needed.

Grocery Store Accidents in New York City

Every day, thousands and thousands of people go to the grocery store or corner market to buy food and other items that they need for daily life. For the most part, these visits are the same. People enter the store, pick out the items they wish to purchase, check out at the cash register and … Read more