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Leav & Steinberg, LLP client recovers $1,425,000.00 for back injury on matter where defendant had argued no serious injury.

$1,425,000.00 million dollar recovery for a client injured in an accident. Defendants had argued that the force of the impact could not have caused the injuries and that the injuries if related, were not serious or permanent and thus not entitling the plaintiff to recovery. Leav & Steinberg, LLP defeated both arguments and resolved the case on the eve of trial.

Running the Chicago Marathon-Similarities in being a personal injury attorney in New York

This blog is often filled with stories of clients who have sustained serious life altering injuries and have asked LEAV & STEINBERG, LLP to represent them in seeking the legal justice and adequate compensation due to the negligent actions of others.  Very often the cases take years to progress through litigation.  Very often at each … Read more

Roadway and Sidewalk Defects- The challenges in proving “prior written notice”

Roadway and sidewalk defects- proving prior written notice and being able to recover for damages is a challenge and attorney must understand how to prove what is needed.

Self Driving Cars-Autopilot assist vehicles and the legal liability discussion

As many cars manufacturers are developing self driving cars and cars equipped with autopilot features, we must consider where the legal liablity falls when the vehicle and its operator are negligent

Tappan Zee Bridge Accident

Bridges are ubiquitous in New York City. To get from Manhattan Island, Staten Island, or Long Island to each other or the main continent requires a bridge or a tunnel. And most of those bridges are for car travel. And cars get into accidents. Recently the Tappan Zee Bridge was the sight of a major … Read more