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During difficult times-Leav & Steinberg, LLP is there for all clients-resolving over 20 matters last month with value of almost $3,000,000.00 million dollars

While COVID-19 restrictions has crippled the City and many firms, Leav & Steinberg, LLP has the infrastructure, technology and reputation to resolve matters for full value and get our client’s complete justice; resolving over 20 cases for nearly $3,000,000.00 in the last month.

Exploding Gas Tanks Leads to Major Vehicle Recall

Exploding cars are de rigueur in action movies. But in real life, it is pretty scary. Think about the Ford Pinto and one pictures exploding gas tanks. This was used to great comic effect in the movie “Top Secret,” a parody of WWII spy movies. But there have been “32 rear-impact collisions that caused fatal … Read more

Being Chauffeured by Rosie the Robot

Would a car accident involving a driverless car be covered by New York’s no-fault insurance law? (N.Y. ISC Law § 5103) What if a car could drive itself? You could read the New York Times or Wall Street Journal from the driver’s seat or work on your personal computer while HAL drives you to work. … Read more