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Rikki Davidoff is the Managing Attorney of Leav & Steinberg LLP

Managing Personal Injury Attorney in New York, NY: Rikki Davidoff

Managing Attorney

Rikki Davidoff is the Managing Attorney of Leav & Steinberg LLP, where she is involved in all stages of litigation; ensures positive client interactions; and the day-to-day management of the firm.

Prior to joining Leav & Steinberg, LLP, Rikki was an Assistant Borough Chief in the Tort division at the New York City Law Department, where she supervised and managed attorneys and supported professionals in all aspects of pretrial litigation. Additionally, she was responsible for the professional development of attorneys and support professionals alike and the lead negotiator of the Manhattan Borough Unit. She also served on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee.

Rikki is an accredited CLE instructor in topics such as depositions, negotiations, and tort law. Rikki is an active member of the New York City Bar, where she sits on the career and advanced management committee and women in the legal profession committee.  She is a member of the New York State Trial Lawyers Association and New York Women’s Bar Association.

Rikki graduated Cum Laude from Chicago-Kent College of Law and Florida Atlantic University.

Rikki loves being a mom of two, traveling, and reading as many fiction novels as possible.

Contact us today to learn more about Rikki’s legal experience and how she supports our team of NYC personal injury attorneys.