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Leav and Steinberg Team

Train Transportation Accident Lawyers in New York

In New York City, train transportation accidents can occur on both above- and below-ground trains, and injuries related to these accidents are often severe. The team of lawyers at Leav & Steinberg LLP are experienced with train accident cases, and we are prepared to help defend your rights and help you get the compensation you deserve.

Train Accidents

Every day in this city, nearly 5 million people use a public train of some kind. Unfortunately, accidents on the subways, trains, and commuter rails happen regularly, and injuries can be severe. No two train transportation accidents are the same, but they most commonly involve a person hit by a train, a person trapped between a train and the platform, a person falling while riding the train, and countless other scenarios in which injuries occur. Commuters injured in New York City train accidents often suffer from head wounds, concussions, broken bones, nerve damage, burns, lost limbs, and other serious injuries.

You Might Have a Case If You've Been Involved in a Train Accident

If you’ve been injured as a result of improper train operations or inadequate safety precautions on the part of train employees, you may have a case. If your injuries result in steep medical bills, missed time from work, and intense emotional and physical suffering, it’s important you take a few steps to prepare your case. First, you should contact emergency services as soon as possible after the accident occurs. Keep records of all related police reports, medical documents and bills, and contact information of any witnesses to the accident. If possible, it’s also helpful to take pictures of the area in which the accident occurred, including any evidence that the train system’s management personnel were negligent in regards to required public safety precautions.

Let Leav & Steinberg Help You

Whenever anyone is injured due to negligence on the part of train management, engineers, maintenance workers, and other staff, those at fault should be held accountable. Our attorneys are prepared to assess the facts of your case and seek the highest amount of compensation possible for your injuries. If necessary, we can take your case to trial.

At Leav & Steinberg, we know the laws pertaining to train transportation accident cases, and we have a long list of successful public transportation injury cases, including a $1,500,000 verdict for a woman who slipped between a train and the platform in the Bronx. If you suspect that you have a train accident case, call Leav & Steinberg today at 866-435-1609 to request a free consultation.