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How Are Damages Assessed in Personal Injury Cases?

Personal injury lawyers discussing damages with client in personal injury case NYC

Any number of situations can warrant a personal injury case – including car and transportation accidents, instances of negligence, product defects, and medical malpractice. While every case is different, New York law ensures that injured parties can seek monetary compensation to assist with medical bills, property damage, lost wages, and even non-economic losses, such as … Read more

Leav & Steinberg, LLP begins 2020- resolving through settlement or arbitration; 21 matters for $5.2 million dollars

Leav & Steinberg, LLP begins 2020 with a successful January; resolving 21 cases for $5.2 million dollars and covering a wide variety of challenging matters

Construction Labor Law Accident-Injured workers and need for future medical care

Protecting construction workers. Leav & Steinberg ensures that their future medical care is covered by making sure any settlement or verdict represents the fair estimate of future medical care.