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Bombs to Battle Bugs Cause Building Collapse

Creepy crawlies belong outside, not in houses. People try many different methods to discourage bugs from entering their homes, whether it be a house or an apartment. There are many products one can use to kill bugs and keep them out of the home. But these products contain a lot of chemicals and can harm … Read more

First Responders Delayed By Human Error

9-1-1. It is commonly the first phone number parents teach their children. It “is the emergency telephone number for the North American Numbering Plan.” And with this dedicated number, we have expectations of extremely rapid service when we call 911. But sometimes human error can delay first responders. History of 911 The push for the … Read more

Food Poisoning and Possible Legal Recompense

There is a reunion or a wedding reception or another party at a hotel ballroom. The room is resplendent in opulence and old friends are renewing acquaintances. Dinner is announced and everyone sits down for a feast. After a wonderful evening, the attendees return home with wonderful memories. But after a day or two, the … Read more

The Dangers of Drowsy Driving

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently reported that at least 100,000 crashes might be related to “drowsy driving” or fatigue annually. These are shocking numbers that indicate just has serious the problem has become. Of that 100,000 total about 1,500 deaths and 71,000 injuries result. In dollar terms, this is about $12.5 billion in … Read more