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How to Report a Business for Violating COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines in New York

As of May 2021, over 45% of adults in New York State are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, according to Our World in Data. As vaccines become more available and the vaccination rate continues to increase, health and safety guidelines are being frequently modified in New York and across the country.

What Are the Current Health and Safety Guidelines in New York?

a woman wearing a mask while shopping for clothes

Most capacity limitations for New York businesses were lifted on May 19, 2021, with other health and safety measures modified as well. This doesn’t mean that all health and safety measures have been lifted or that employers can choose not to follow these guidelines. Currently, businesses have the choice to require masks for customers.

Here are other guidelines from the New York State Department of Health that is still in effect for businesses:

  • Must provide free face coverings, proper protective equipment, and replacements for employees
  • Must offer hand hygiene stations with soap, water, and paper towels or hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol
  • Must provide training for all employees on hygiene practices and conduct employee health screenings every day
  • Must ensure that there is frequent disinfecting and cleaning of communal surfaces

As of May 13, 2021, New York also adopted guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding vaccinated individuals as part of the Reopening New York plan. Since these new guidelines vary for vaccinated and unvaccinated customers, this may cause confusion or lead to businesses not adhering to health and safety guidelines that are still in place for unvaccinated individuals.

How to Report a Business for Violating COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines

If your employer or any other business isn’t adhering to health and safety guidelines, you have the right to file a complaint with the New York State Department of Health. You can file your complaint here. Note that there are separate filings for restaurants/bars as opposed to non-dining commercial businesses. If you need to report more than one business, then you must submit a complaint for each location.

Let Leav & Steinberg Represent You

Employers are still responsible for helping to protect employees and customers against the spread of COVID-19. If you or a loved one contracted COVID-19 due to your employer’s or another business’s negligence, you might have a premises liability case. Work with our dedicated New York City attorneys to gather the proper evidence and documentation needed to build a premises liability case. Schedule your free consultation today.