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Leav and Steinberg Team

How training to run the New York City Marathon is just like being a Trial Attorney in New York

About 12 weeks ago I began training for the November 4 New York Marathon. Having run this 1x before (in 1996, when I was 24) I felt I could commit to the training and have a great run.

I joined an online runners guide which provides a daily running schedule with varying speeds, hills, and distance.

Committing to this program has given me great insight on running my Personal Injury Law Firm here in New York. Both require and demand great attention. Both have changes each day and even several throughout the day. And though running is completely alone and independent, the training has improved my focus and dedication to the most important part of my law practice; helping and being there for my clients.

As I committed to the training, 15 years ago I committed to helping injured victims of negligence. The commitment does not come without significant, dedication, time, sacrifice and learning that in order to truly achieve the success my client’s deserve requires a commitment to the “long race” that is litigation.

Too many firms just want to resolve the case. No care or concern for making sure the recovery is complete and adequate. Similarly, some just run to run with no commitment to the outcome or putting in the effort before the outcome.

As our past year at the firm has proven that we commit to our clients 110%, my goal for this run is to beat the time I did 16 years ago; commitment and sacrifice.

By Edward Steinberg