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How Can Lawyers Prove a Product Is Defective?

Although there isn’t a federal law that governs product liability, consumers should expect that the goods or products they purchase are safe to use. If the reasonable use of a product causes injury or death, the manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer can be held liable for selling a dangerous product.

Evidence Is Key in a Defective Product Claim

Flame on a gas stove

To properly investigate your claim, you’ll need to provide your attorney with the evidence needed to prove your case in court, which will require showing that you used the product as intended, the product was defective, and you suffered an injury that was caused by the product. You can use various kinds of evidence to support your claim, including photos, accident reports, the actual product, expert witnesses, insurance documents, and the product’s label.

Three Types of Product Defects

If you suspect that a defective product is responsible for your injuries, consult a defective product attorney immediately. A legal professional can help you determine which factors caused the product defect, which may be the result of the following:

  • Defective manufacturing refers to errors that occur when a product is being made
  • Defective marketing or failure to warn refers to a lack of adequate instructions or a warning label that indicates the potential risks of using a product
  • Defective design refers to a product that has been correctly manufactured; however, an inherent flaw was present before the product’s assembly, making the product inherently dangerous

An attorney can help you determine your claim’s legitimacy by analyzing your personal account of the events and collecting evidence that demonstrates that the seller and/or distributer were negligent. You can recover damages for medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, emotional distress, or wrongful death after the incident with the help of your legal counsel.

Consult Leav & Steinberg for Your Defective Product Case

Working with a knowledgeable defective product attorney can help you build a strong case in court, which can include sourcing an expert’s testimony to support your claim and holding the responsible parties liable. If you’ve been injured by a defective product, speak to the legal professionals at Leav & Steinberg LLP. We’ve helped clients throughout New York State by being readily available and responsive to phone calls. We will even provide you with personal phone numbers if needed. Contact our team today to request a free consultation for your claim.